Version 4 supported
This version of Silverstripe CMS is still supported though will not receive any additional features. Go to documentation for the most recent stable version.

Managing your website

This section includes guidance for accessing your CMS, managing users, roles and permissions in the Silverstripe CMS.

Introducing the Silverstripe CMS administration interface.
Logging In
Logging into a Silverstripe CMS website to start editing content.
Changing and managing users
Managing users access in the CMS administration interface.
Roles & permissions
Managing CMS access and permissions using groups and roles.
Changing your CMS Password
Guidance on how to change the password of your Silverstripe CMS account.
Session Manager
Allow members to manage and revoke access to multiple login sessions across devices.
Silverstripe CMS version
How to find out the version of Silverstripe CMS you are using.