Version 4 supported
This version of Silverstripe CMS is still supported though will not receive any additional features. Go to documentation for the most recent stable version.

Archiving a page

Any page in the CMS can be archived, which removes it from the site, but retains the page in the internal version history.

Archiving pages

  1. Select the page you want to archive, click the button More options which is shown as a ellipses icon in the Publishing bar.
  2. Click the button Unpublish and archive. You will then be presented with a Restore draft button if you want to undo this step.

The page will be removed from the live version, no longer editable as a draft, and will be shown in the site tree with the label Archived. The newly archived item will eventually disappear from the site tree, however it is still possible to recover any archived pages at a later date, see Restoring archived pages to learn more. The archived page will no longer appear in the site tree if you navigate away from the archived page and the interface is reloaded.

Archive options